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Angle of Attack

Air France 447 and the Future of Aviation Safety

by Roger Rapoport and Shem Malmquist

The definitive book on the Titanic of aviation accidents

The first ‘computer-generated’ air crash - and the failures that are still inherent in the aviation sector, after 53 subsequent air tragedies.

Impeccable, a must-read for airline executives, pilots and their passengers.
— Curt Lewis, Editor, Flight Safety Information


“We owe Rapoport and Malmquist a great debt of gratitude. Take your time, read every word.”

Dr. Gary Helmer, Chief, Safety Division, National Transportation Safety Board

“You don't have to be a pilot to Find this book moving and absorbing, just an airline passenger.”

Adam Hochschild, Author of Spain in Our Hearts and King Leopold’s Ghost

“What an excellent book! The authors have hit this one out of the ballpark. Both aviation enthusiasts and non aviation enthusiasts will enjoy this book. I highly recommend it.”

Captain James Nielsen  

Finally, the deinitive book on the Titantic of aviation accidents: a state-of-the-art jet that couldn’t stall, until it did and took the lives of 228 Air France passengers.Based on exclusive interviews with the aircraft’s manufacturer, the airline, light crews, families of the pilots, accident investigators, and the Woods Hole led team that recovered the missing jet from the bottom of the South Atlantic, this essential book documents why airlines and regulators everywhere must respond now to critical lessons learned from this legendary event.

Angle of Attack perfectly documents the fundamental disconnect between obsolete safety management systems and the missing hands-on training required to give light crews the resilience they need to handle unexpected crises beyond their experience.

Roger Rapoport is the author of Citizen Moore and contributing editor at Flight Safety Information and Captain Shem Malmquist, veteran accident investigator, veteran 777 pilot and visiting professor at Florida Institute of Technology and I have been covering this issue for ten years.

Published November 2017, paperback 248p (ISBN 978-09847142-6-1) $19.99, order here